Gem and Mandie have been BFFs since middle school, in science class and the USO show. Separate, we are normalish people, but together, we are an unstoppable team of randomness and loudness. We are Wolf Pack supporters all the way and red is evil (except hair). Be ready to laugh at our expense as sometimes we Vlog drunk.
Gemini the Aires (that's right, my name is not my sign) is 23 y/o, a political science major, a nerd/geek, Wii gamer, and a soprano (yes, I’m a diva..not really). She tends to get really bored and random at the same time. Expect random quotes from YGOTAS, *NSync and other fun stuff.
Mandie is at the moment a 22 y/o student. She is a History major and doesn’t plan on being done with school anytime in the near future. She is a crazy redhead who is easily amused and can have fun in whatever she does.